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How to play paintball?
Players are chasing each other and shooting every moving thing…
Paintball is played individually or in teams (from 3 to 20 persons), according to different scenarios in special fields with judges present. Normally game lasts up to 20 minutes, so in a gaming day you can play 10-15 times.
Who can play paintball?
Only a person who is a little insane!..
Any adult or a child from 10 years old in absence of parents or with written agreement of parents as during the game people experience fair physical load.
Is it dangerous?
It is atrocity legitimated! I have seen on my own eyes as a ball pierced a hole in a hand!!!
Paintball is a safer sport than tennis, football or golf (evaluation of American insurers). Firstly, everybody who is present in the shooting zones must wear defensive MASKS. Secondly, markers are adjusted in a way that a speed of a ball can not exceed 90 meters in a second, so even in the case of unsuccessful fit bruise is the biggest trouble. Thirdly, all players are instructed before the game starts. Fourthly, there are judges on the field to secure players’ safety in any situation. There is no specific danger in paintball, however it is a sport and like in any other sports possibility of injures exists: everything depends on how cautious you are and how you follow rules.
What is marker?
It is a portable weapon of mass destruction, prohibited in civilized states…
It is a special pneumatic device, functioning on compressed gas (carbon dioxide, nitrogen or air).
According to the way of operation, markers may be pump (break off – shoot), semiautomatic (press – shoot) and automatic. Markers are produced in America, Canada, England and Czech Republic (there were some attempts to produce them in Russia).
What a ball is made from?
From plastic, rubber or metals…
Normally balls are produced in the same factories as capsules for drugs. Ball has a gelatinous capsule and is filled with paint soluble in water made from toners on the basis of components used for foods. Capsule is fragile; after swerving into obstacle it bursts and leaves a spot of paint. Paint has unpleasant taste but it is absolutely safe.
Is paint washable?
It can be removed using concentrate (70%) mixture of salt and sulphuric acids…
Paint is soluble and is easily removed using wet wipe or simply washed. From walls and trees paint is washed out after the first rain. If a ball falls on the ground, it absorbs wetness and finally dissolves without any trace.
Where paintball can be played?
In Akropolis, Panorama, Ozas or on any disco… :)
The best place to play is paintball field in paintball club.
What is the price of game?
According to “Respublika” daily’s information, up to 10000 Lt per person…
In our club cost of gaming day is from 25 Lt. We hire markers, masks and camouflage. Dependently from club, this figure may differ: e.g. price of markers working on pressed air is higher, but they are more credible. Balls are counted separately as every player has his own style and number of balls used may differ soundly.
What are paintball fields?
Any place in the centre of city or big supermarket…
Traditional place for paintball is n forest with shelters made from logs, tyres or barrels. Sometimes fields are so bushy and no additional shelters are required. In covered or open fields artificial shelters made from plywood shields, etc. Fields for spit ball are small with symmetrically placed shelters for fast and technical game. Hyper ball is game played on open field with shelters made from plastic pipes of different diameter. SUP"AIRBALL with inflatable shelters becomes popular: inflatable shelters are installed in 1,5-2 hours and make paintball colourful view.
What equipment is used?
Flippers, parachute and ski sticks…
Equipment is different and it is designed for beginners, active players and sportsmen. In the beginning beginners should use hired equipment, listen to expressions of experienced players and decide what type of equipment is most suitable for him personally. You are likely to have suitable shoes, and there are no problems with camouflage: we have all possible sizes.
Who is considered as eliminated?
Player who can not rise by himself before judge counted until ten…
Player is considered as eliminated in four cases: on the body or on any other part of equipment (hand, leg, body, mask and marker) there are paint spot; player goes beyond the borders of the field; player declares himself as eliminated; player is eliminated by decision of judge.
Does ball always burst?
No, sometime it passes through the obstacle; sometimes an obstacle bursts…
No! That is why the most common mistake of beginners is to declare himself as eliminated when one feels stroke of ball and without checking. Ball may rebound or remain in the folds of clothes so players should always examine place of stroke; if one is incapable to do it by himself, fiends or judges should be asked to make such inspection.
What should be worn?
Armoured vest and a sack on the head …
You can play paintball wearing any clothes suitable for walk in forest (preferable dark). Ideally one should have set of camouflage: jacket and trousers. When playing in open area it is recommended wearing of high sneakers with deep protector; playing on the solid cover high sneakers are sufficient. It is useful to have head cover, e.g. cap.
Is it safe for spectators?
Yes, they are expelled to the field. The winner is payer who shoots the biggest number of spectators…
Yes, if they follow safety rules: stays in safe place or wear masks. If judgers and players agree, photographers or operators in masks may be allowed to the field. In spit ball fields, hedged with net, platforms for spectators may be arranged.